Hand made with a needle, the art of crochet patterns free requires technique and dedication, left behind the old people thing fame and became vintage piece, full of style and personality. Always reappears in fashion, he turned fever, won a sophisticated and unique status, a type of sewing known as the hobby of grannies has gained more prominence in the fashion world and has become a fad among celebrities.
It is always associated with simplicity, but allows refinement with the use of more elaborate materials. This is a different and delicate point, with it you can make beautiful quilts or let your creativity to succeed, with the graphic everything becomes clearer to start working at this point. Of course, as I am in love with crochet free, will now start making a blanket for my daughter.
Images and graphics found navigating the magical world of the internet, if you like it share with your friends. Kisses, soon bring news!